Stephen James Potter is originally from the small town of Simsbury, CT. This magical town (the inspiration for Eagleton from Parks and Rec) is where he started his journey into the theatre world. At first, he was only doing it only because he decided he needed to do everything his older sister did. Pretty soon, he realized that he found his life's purpose, and he took over his sister's dream of being in the spotlight!
His passion for Musical Theatre led him to his studies at the prestigious Hartt School within The University of Hartford, graduating with a BFA in Musical Theatre.
During his time at Hartt, he was able to start his professional career with some amazing experiences, including Ryan Scott Oliver's We Foxes at The Goodspeed Opera House, and Tony Award Winner Darko Tresnjak's Romeo and Juliet at Hartford Stage.
After his graduation, he moved straight to New York, which he now considers his home base.
Currently, Stephen continues to work at regional theaters across the country, and has started to expand his acting work to in front of the camera as well as on the stage!